Wow... a reunion of the old bros from the Hadley Ramp days. Andy had the idea and he and Dave Tuck got the flow going. Next thing ya know a bunch of us, some who hadn't seen each other in over 15 years, were skating together again. It wasn't all Hadley Ramp locals tho .. we also had bros from the infamous "joy road barn ramp. That was the second legendary halfpipe that came from our crew. The reunion began with a friday night dinner and a party at Zanzibar's here in Ann Arbor. After that we ended up over at Yerboy's house to consume lots of alcohol and watch a movie of old footage that Andy had put together. The video he made was awesome! footage of Hadley's ramp, the 'Turf skatepark, an NSA contest around 1990?. AND .. with a *KILLER* soundtrack! Saturday began with us all meeting up at the Lansing skatepark. Bowls were wired and everyone got there skate on. After about an hour we posse up and head out for the Charlotte skatepark. We pretty much took over there. That vert bowl is sweet and it didn't take long for the Bros to find their speedlines. After Charlotte was sessioned we headed back to Ann Arbor. Once again Yerboy's house was the meeting place. After some food and relaxing ... the plan is to head on over for an evening session at Simplicity skatepark. Simplicity's SUPER FINE Half-pipe was exactly what was needed to set the posse off. It was a FAST session. Many times 2 and 3 skaters were on the ramp at a time. The energy level was very much like what we use to have out at the Barn ramp. Skaters HYPED! and ready to ride. If you flinch lost. After destroying the ramp everyone gathered in the parking lot and said their goodbyes. Thanks to Andy and Dave for brainstormin' this up and THANKS to all the SKATERS who showed up to skate.