"Guardians of CHAOS"
Here is an interview with GOC that was done by Alice Royston and published in issue #7 of her 'zine "A2 REVIEW" (circa 1982).

From "Isolated RAT Hearts" issue #9 November 1983
This was from their "Three GODS and a MOD" period.

[since the scan is hard to read .. I decided to reprint the text from the article]
Well, a lot of you have probably heard that G.O.C broke up. So I decided that it would be nice it there was in IRH about the life and times of G.O.C.
The original Guardians of Chaos got together about 2 and a half years ago in 1980. THEN the band members were: Chris Hansen - guitar, Chris Day - bass and Trevor Staples - drums and vocals. Everyone seem to think they were hot. They were of the final bands in the BATTLE OF THE BANDS but I guess the Saline bomb dudes didn't like them so they lost. After that show they lost interest in their band, the motivation was gone the original G.O.C. died.
BUT lo and behold G.O.C came back alive in late October 1982. The band members differed at first but this G.O.C ended up being Trevor - vocals, Rob Dahl - guitar, Matt O'brien - bass, and Kier Murrey - drums. The new GOC were mostly a fun band. The started rocking "just to play around because we were bored". The got lots of shows (the one at Joe's with White Cross and other bands ruled, thats where the pictures were taken) and played lots of parties too. GOC also played at Community High on Halloween which was fun.

I asked Rob and Trevor if they thought GOC was worth it while it lasted. "Yes it was fun for awhile. The audiences response was really good. People seemed to like us but it was more of a fun thing for them rather than them really liking the music we played" says Trevor. Rob agreed, "It was cool, just a way to get away from the seriousness. It was more fun than anything else. It was just playing around mostly."
WHY DID G.O.C. BREAK UP? The got bored with their stuff mostly. "The same people always showed up at our shows. NO offense". All of the old GOC band members are in GREAT bands like The Variables, The State, The Lunatics and Ground Zero.
And only in our individual memories can we say that G.O.C still lives. We will miss then and the joy they brought to our hearts. NO ONE is glad to see these 3 gods and a mod split up, but I suppose it was meant to be other things are. SO maybe a tear or two slides down your cheeks ( most likely this would happen to the people who actually worshipped them)
But some things should end good.
later guys --- Tracey Osborn
Another version of GOC with Trevor, Chris and Craig

rehearsing at the Statehouse around 1983-4?

Trevor inverts at the Oxford quarter. Notice the tail logo.
DOWNLOADABLE MP3s of the Legendary Guardians of CHAOS!
"Burger king bitch" - "Fuzzhead Fuks" - "Pac Bitch" - "Return of Pac Bitch" - "We're Just Dix"