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Adam Graham grinds along the top of the Temperance ramp

Al Carter - Rebel Ramp - Georgetown, S. Carolina

Chris Carter in his West Virginia backyard

Martin - 0llie somewhere

Martin - BIG tail tap

Rick Osborn drops in Scott Aldrich - Barn Ramp Todd Phillips at Adam's Ramp Trevor - Street Blur Wes - Secret Ramp in West Virginia

Trevor - backside at the Barn Adam chases Wes at a closed Endless Summer Tony watches Rob Dahl's(RIP) first backside airs. We miss you Rob Rick from Toledo in a barefoot grind!

Trevor and Martin(RIP) - Bros forever

fakie ollie at the Barn ramp

Todd learns to "drop in" at fulmer. around 1984?

a VERY young Christian Hosoi at Kona in 1984

Tony sweeps in... guess where?

David explores his roots

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