Oct 17, 2024
Fixed some formatting issues on the MP3 page
Sept 5, 2024
Added the flyer collection of Steve Watson.
Aug 22, 2024
Added a "post 2000" band section to the music archive
Aug 21, 2024
Added new photos of the band "3D Jesus" to band page.
Aug 20, 2024
Added a slew of photos that Sean Carroll took at the Ground Zero reunion show on Nov 5, 2004
Aug 18, 2024
Fixed broken links in zine archive.
July 16, 2024
Refreshed the page on the band The Service with new words and photos
Feb 10, 2024
Added Local CHAOS zine issue #27 to the zine archive
Added Local CHAOS zine issue #28 to the zine archive
Nov 10, 2023
Fixed broken links and consolidated the flyer collection that was donated by Hiawatha Bailey
May 8, 2023
Fixed a few broken links. Eliminated duplicate folders.
Feb 14, 2022
Changed colors on website. Text and links
Feb 3, 2022
Fixed broken links in zine archive. Removed security risks
Jan 28, 2013
Added LocalCHAOS 'zine issues #19, #24 and #25 to the zine archive!
December 2, 2012
Added "Fun, Fun, Fun #9", "Bad Egg #7" and "Balance #7" to the 'zine ARCHIVE
April 13, 2012
Fixed a bunch of broken links in the sCrapbook
March 9, 2012
Moved the entire website to a new hosting service. Hopefully this will be the last move. Working on some new stuff, redesigning some of the sections/pages.
Feb 8, 2012
NEW! issue of local CHAOS (#26) is now available. Get with me at a show or send me an email
Dec 13, 2011
Added a few more zines to the ZINE ARCHIVE. Also added more stuff to my "introduction" page.
Sept 16, 2011
Added links to Skate and Annoy, Refuge and PLUS skateboarding. Fixed broken links to Skatopia videos
Sept 2, 2011
Created a text based MASTER LIST of all the zines in the localCHAOS archive
Aug 30, 2011
Combined the "old shit" and "new shit" music sections into one page
Aug 16, 2011
Created pages for the bands Summer Hardcore Band Camp and Versificators
Aug 13, 2011
Created a page of pictures for the band POSITIVE NOISE
Aug 9, 2011
Created pages for the bands F.A.S. and "Citizens Plague"
Aug 8, 2011
Created a page for the band "The Dead Ringers"
Aug 5, 2011
Created pages for the bands "Suicide by Cop" and The Boxcars
July 18, 2011
Issue #25 of localCHAOS! 'zine is now available. You can find it at Encore Records or Cafe Ambrosia here in Ann Arbor. Send me a postal address or find me in person if you want a copy
June 7, 2011
Created a page for the band MINUS 9 !!
May 26, 2011
Added some pictures of STATE that I took at a show back in 2006
May 17, 2011
Fixing broken links, scanning new pictures. Contemplating what direction to take the archive
May 2, 2011
Moving the archive to a new webspace. FUCK FATCOW! worse service provider ever!
July 21, 2007
Issue #15 of the printed 'zine "local CHAOS!" is now available. If you want a copy then send me a postal address and I'll drop an issue in the mail for ya. Progress is being made on the Ann Arbor Skatepark front. BIG news will be announced at the August 4th meeting. Meeting will be held at Launch Board Shop here in Ann Arbor and will begin at 7pm
June 27, 2007
The first meeting to get a skatepark built in Ann Arbor is now over. About 25 skaters showed up at Launch to show support. If you want to find out more about whats going on you can go to A2SKATEPARK.org or on myspace at MYSPACE.COM/A2SKATEPARK
The last session at MODERN -NOVI has come and gone. Here is a page of pix from that session
May 30, 2007
Here are a BUNCH-O-PIX from a recent session at HVR
May 25, 2007
Added a page of pictures from the recent HVRBQ session/party. Also added a link to a bunch of pictures Yerb took at the "Shred for Alayna" session that was recently held at Simplicity
May 24, 2007
Moving the entire website to a new server. Probably going to be some broken links till I can get it all sorted out
April 2, 2007
A page of pics Yerboy took out at the HVR
March 15, 2007
Added a movie that Rob Woelkers put together of some skate action at HVR
December 22, 2006
Added a page of pictures from when the NECROS played in Ann Arbor
December 19, 2006
Added a couple of pages of pictures of friends/kids from around 1982-1984 Ann Arbor. Also added a page of pictures from when the Misfits played in Ann Arbor back in 1983
November 16, 2006
Updated pages on the bands LUNATICS, STATE, VARIABLES and GROUND ZERO with photos from Alice Royston
November 5, 2006
Updated the page on the band DISMISSLE with photos from Alice Royston
August 14, 2006
Added a short movie that Yerboy made to the skate video gallery
August 2, 2006
Yerb, Tony, Todd and myself(Wes) took a trip out to Colorado to see Dave and Emilie
July 5, 2006
Added some pictures of the CULT HEROES that I took at the Blind Pig on June 30
July 3, 2006
Added new pictures of the band STATE that I took at the recent Blind Pig show
July 2, 2006
Sean Carroll once again blows minds with photos from 1984 of when GROUND ZERO and SUDDEN DEATH went to Washington DC for a gig with Government Issue
June 19, 2006
June 7, 2006
I took all the band photos from the NEW music sectionand put them on their own page. localCHAOS! Photo GALLERY of bands and shit
April 12, 2006
Added pix of the band MAZINGA from Chris' birthday party to the music section
Feb 22, 2006
Added a collection of pictures from the camera of Jamie Brunette
Feb 11, 2006
Added some MP3s to the MUSIC SECTION of the website. New additions are the "Badmen" and "The Service". Also added a bunch of flyers from 80's shows in Ann Arbor, Detroit and California. SPECIAL thanks to Steve Watson for this contribution
Feb 10, 2006
Added the picture and MP3 of "Empty Promises" that Bill Fate sent in for THE VARIABLES page
Jan 7, 2006
Here are some pix that I took at the VOLCANOS, SNAKE OUT, MYDOLS show that was on Jan 6 at the Lagerhouse in Detroit
Dec 30, 2005
Dig this! Some bootleg recordings of the Misfits that was at the Michigan Union Ballroom back in 1983. Thanks to "g" for this contribution
Dec 1, 2005
Added a page of pictures from Nick and Kirsten's Anniversary party that was held at the Blind Pig
Nov 16, 2005
UPDATED the page I created on the band STATE. Added some pictures from the Archives along with new pics from a show at the Blind Pig. AND! ... MP3s from a studio session around 1983. Thanks to Josh for that contribution
Nov 9, 2005
Added a page on the 80s compliation tape "SHUT UP AND TAKE THE FIFTH". Thanks to Josh Mancell for this contribution
Nov 8, 2005
Ok .. I've completely redone the "skate gallery" and now pictures are grouped according to places we skated. Its only about 3/4 of the way finished and there are over 700 pictures
Added a bunch of tracks to the MP3 music section
I've also added some stuff to the page I have on local band STATE
Nov 1, 2005
Thanks to Josh Mancell and Joe Sinelli we now have a page on the band "INFANT MORTALITY RATE" (IMR)
Oct 27, 2005
Added some MP3s of the band "3D JESUS" to the music section. You can also find them on the "3D JESUS" band page
Oct 12, 2005
Added a couple of band/music VIDEOS that I recently took at Skatopia. Also working on a section about the "Backwoods Blowout 11"
Oct 4, 2005
Created a page of all the tshirt designs that have been created here in the cHaOs studio
Sept 29, 2005
Created a page of all the images that have been used on the opening page on this website
Moved all the videos from the music section to their own page
Sept 28, 2005
Again.. reorganized the music section. Also added a "quick link" page to all the MP3s that are available for download
August 17, 2005
Moved things around some in the music section
August 12, 2005
Added a section of show/band flyers from the late 70s and early 80s
Added a collection of ads fromNOIR LEATHER - Royal Oak from the late 80s early 90s
July 1, 2005
Added "the 'zine network" section which features over 100 hardcore music and skate 'zines from the 1980s. This is some SERIOUS history.
June 14, 2005
Added a section of pictures and video for BOWL BASH 10 that was recently held at the Skatopia comPLEX
June 13, 2005
Skot Werner shares some history of the PLAYLAND skatepark that was located in Flint, Michigan
June 6, 2005
I redid the GOC band page with some new pics and MP3s! Go check that shit out now!
May 25, 2005
Added .. a while ago .. some videos I took of Koffin Kats and NUKE and the Living Dead to the music section. There is also a couple of videos of the SMASHBANDITS that SD sent in.
May 4, 2005
Started a section on pictures from the localCHAOS:REUNION2005 that we just had
April 1, 2005
Added a new collection of photos that Sean Carrol took at the GZ/STATE/HWE/KLC show
March 18, 2005
Reorganized the sCrapbook.. cuz it was starting to get out of control
March 8, 2005
Added 4 videos from the recent STATE gig at the Blind Pig to the "music section". Go check out a couple of old faves along with 2 NEW songs.
Also redid the "Ground Zero" page in order to get everything related to those guys in one place.
March 1, 2005
New "issue" of the skate section has been started.
Also .. I actually GOT OUT OF THE HOUSE and went to a show. Sooooo... look for some new video clips in the "MUSIC section"
Feb 17, 2005
Added Zorlac and Santa Cruz catalogs to the sCrapbook. Both are from the early 80s
Feb 10, 2005
Added more stuff to the sCrapbook, Powell catalogs and Bones Brigade reports
Feb 8, 2005
Added a page of pictures from a session at Hadley's back in 1985
Added a couple of letters to the sCrapbook
SKATE section is always being updated
Jan 28, 2005
Here is a zine that came from some skaters in Flint, Michigan. "SKATE FUX Bible" is the name of it. Looks to be produced sometime in the late 80s. IF anyone out there has more information on these dudes or the 'zine itself please contact me
Jan 27, 2005
Added a page with issue #10 of "Isolated Rat Hearts" to the 'zine section. GO checkout band interviews with Mass Retaliation, The Truth, The Rite and Sudden Death. Also .. JB writes a story about going on tour with the STATE. Good stuff here
Dave Tuck sent in some shit for the archive. Check out the sCrapbook as that is where most of this will go.
Jan 21, 2005
Started work on a section about the park in Mason, Michigan
Jan 5, 2005
Added a couple of pages of pictures from the Ground Zero show that was this past November at the Blind Pig. page 1 - page 2. Special thanks to Sean Carroll and "Oven Mitt" for these additions.
I've also been adding more stuff to the sCrapbook. Keep watching that as I have even more stuff to add over the next few days.
Dec 28, 2004
I've been working on getting more of the skate museum archived and online. Check it out and let me know what you think. I still need to do wheels, trucks and magazines.
Dec 11, 2004
Added some video footage to the music section. The music section will change and morph as I get out to more shows. We seem to be having a bit of a revival of the Ann Arbor 80's hardcore scene. Given that, I know this section will soon have tons of pictures, video clips and MP3s available to download. Also ... if you haven't seen it yet go check out Jim Clarkson's new website godlesshorde.com. Killer photo archive.
Dec 8, 2004
Pat Shutte shares some ofhis skate history with us. Pat was a local at Skateboard USA. A skatepark that was located in Warren, Michigan during the 70's.
Dec 5, 2004
Added a few items to the sCrapbook. Also updated the "skate section".
Nov 28, 2004
Added a section on Simplicity Sk8 park to the gallery section. This section will grow over time.
Nov 16, 2004
It was pointed out to me that xtina (tina watches) has fabricated a story about a music project I did back in 1982-83 and published it on her fucked up website of lies. The story she put together is complete BULLSHIT. Given that she wasn't really a part of the A2 hardcore scene back then(at least NOT like she tells it), most of her stories from "back in the day" are just lame, made up crap. IF you want to read the REAL history of MY project go here
Oct 4, 2004
Added a story about my trip to the 10th Annual "Backwoods Blowout"at the Skatopia complex.
Sept 15. 2004
Added a bunch of stuff to the sCrapbook section.
August 3rd, 2004
Updated the skate section with some recent action. Created an archive for news from June and July.
July 4th, 2004
Added to the "skate section" of the website some new pix and words.
June 25, 2004
Jeff Hadley found this article on old bro Dave Tuck from 1986.
June 22, 2004
Here is a story about my return to skating after a 10 year exile. I have also started a section on the planning, building and skating of the HVR. Both of these stories are never ending projects and will grow over time.
June 14, 2004
I wrote a story about my trip down to "Bowl Bash 9" at the legendary Skatopia complex.
June 7, 2004
I went ahead and scanned all the pages to all the Ann Arbor based 'zines that I have in my collection. 25 'zines in total. "A2 REVIEW","Band Aid", "Isolated RAT Hearts", "RCS Boredom", "Skateboard Action", "Thursday Funnies" and of course"Local CHAOS". Now you can read what all the hoopla was about.
May 9th, 2004
I added an interview with the STATE that first appeared in "IRH" issue number 8 to the State page in the music section.
May 5th, 2004
Here is an interview with the band "SLK" that first appeared in IRH #issue 5 from 1982. SLK was not a punk or hardcore band but was still a fave dance band for a lot of us back then. This interview has the complete lowdown.
May 1, 2004
Made up pages for the bands The Lunatics and P.V.C.
April 28, 2004
Using past issues of "A2 Review" and "IRH" (interviews and photos) I put together band pages for G.O.C. and The Variables. All of us who published 'zines back then knew each other and supported each other's efforts. In the spirit of community I decided to NOT stuff each 'zine into its own seperate section. Instead I want to be more "band centric", with each band having its own page made from whatever photos and such that are available from all the 'zines. Also check out the interview that Matt Royston did on IRH editors Sean and JB
April 25, 2004
JB shares another one of his stories with us. "National Trip Day" or "The Crusty Punks vs the Insane Vietnam Vets"
April 19, 2004
About 6 months ago, give or take, JB shared a couple of stories with us that he wrote about life in 1980's Ann Arbor. Due to some lame reasons those stories "left" the website a couple of months ago. Well I am pleased to say that those stories plus a brand new one are now available in the sCrapbook. Look for "A Day in the Life of a Punk", "Thanksgiving" and a brand new story titled "Party at the End of the World"
March 28th, 2004
I got rid of the "links" page. Linkage resources are still here. Music related links are now in the music section and skate related links are in the skate section.
March 24, 2004
Its a blah rainy day today ... so I scanned my EP record collection and put that up online. I also included a few cool old 45s.
March 19, 2004
Dig this .. Curtis Settino, a skater who sessioned with us a LOT out at Hadley's ramp got in contact with me and wanted to share some pictures he had. Skate action and a rare picture of Hadley himself!. These are all from Hadley's ramp, taken around 1985.
March 14, 2004
I finally have some of the sCrapbook back online. Go check out some party pictures, pictures of the band "The Truth", pictures of "The Misfits" from 1983, and a bunch of other semi-related crap. There is a lot more to be added.
March 8. 2004
Back in the day we had several 'zines here in Ann Arbor. The basic concepts of D.I.Y. were common in all the 'zines. There was some content over lap but for the most part each 'zine covered its own "area" and had its own following. There is also now a page on Jeff Martin's artwork that he did for localCHAOS. Jeff did a lot of drawings back then and was a major part of making the 'zine happen.
March 7, 2004
Since it was a rainy day today I spent it restoring/remaking some of the band pages in the music section. There are new pages on Dismissle, 3D Jesus, Destruction Ride, and The Service. Also linked in Rodent Kontrol's website
Feb 26, 2004
RIPCORE! Records/zine did an interview with me about skating and music during the 80s. ---wes
Feb 25, 2004
The computer that was running the forum software started dying. Sooo.. pretty much the big news is that the forum has been moved to a new machine.
Feb 24, 2004
We now have our show/band flyer section back ONLINE. Soon I will be adding a section on skate/contest flyers.
Feb 20, 2004
Al Carter is a skater that I got to skate with a few times back in the 80s. He lives in South Carolina and was at the center of what had to be one of the purest skate scenes. Al found us online and sent me a BUNCH of way cool skate pix. All east coast and Carolina action. This is WAY cool stuff. Go check out over 75 images of Al and his bros rippin'!
Tim Cline and John Wittpenn from the W. Virginia crew sent me some pix of what those cats are up to today. Also on that page are some session pix from Modern Skate in Grand Rapids and Vans-Novi.
We now have page "13" of the skate gallery. On there you will find some pictures from Skot Werner - Flint local relocated to Cali. Skot also sent in some pix of his sticker collection. Also look on page 13 for some pictures that Ward Cramer sent me a long time ago of some Endless Summer locals. Oh... and 3 pictures of Bill Tocco being a goof at Hadley's Ramp around 1987?
Feb 18, 2004
Yerboy and I made a mission up to Modern Skate in Grand Rapids, Mi. Yerb writes about the cool session we had with some rippin' locals we met.
Feb 13, 2004
The "music section" is starting to get back online.
Feb 08, 2004
Added a few more images to the "modern" skate gallery. Also added a section on friend and lifelong skater Dave Campbell.
Feb 06, 2004
Website is going through some changes. KOOK BITCHES have been purged and localCHAOS' integrity has been preserved. I am working on some new sections at the moment and will be annoucing those in the next day or two. For now check out the HUGE addition to the skate gallery. The "FLIPS Collection" is now online. Go browse over 200 images of skate history. ---Wes